Thursday, January 31, 2013

February G.R.T. Assignment - Historical Fiction

This month your task is to read a book in the Historical Fiction Genre.  These books use a real event or time period in history as the backdrop to the story.  By taking a mix of fiction, the new character, and mixing in some history, leaders and events, the author uses a story to teach you about the time, person, or event.
The FOCUS for this month will be SETTING.  When you read a book, the setting is not just a place where the events take place.  This is especially true in Historical Fiction novels.  It is almost as if the setting is a character.  That is exactly what we want you to look at this month.  As you read, find ways in which the setting has an impact on the events and characters of the story.  Create a list of how and why the setting had an influence.  Look for 3-5 examples.
           After finishing the book, please leave a comment including the following things:  
  • 3-5 sentence summary (do not give away the ending)
  • Write two of the ways in which the setting played a vital part in the story.
  • finally whether you would recommend the book and why/why not.
    For this please use the RATE format. 
    Restate and Answer (We would/would not recommend this book). 
    Tell why. 
    Explain why.
Enjoy this time reading together.  We are so excited to continue with this great program!

Monday, January 7, 2013

January G.R.T. Assignment

This month your task is to read a book in the Science Fiction Genre.  These book have aliens, time travel, and technology.  Another indication is that they take place in outer space.  Every library has a sci-fi section, so just ask.  Some examples would be Star Wars, Animorphs, or Magic Tree House.
The FOCUS for this month will be a Character Study.  When you read a book, the character becomes a new friend as he/she comes to life.  Like real people, the character encounters problems and needs to find solutions to accomplish his/her goals.  Your job to to identify some of these Goal/Obstacle partnerships.
           After finishing the book, please leave a comment including the following things:  
  • 3-5 sentence summary (do not give away the ending)
  • a T-Chart giving at least one GOAL the character has and then 2-3 OBSTACLES in his/her way.
  • finally whether you would recommend the book and why/why not.
    For this please use the RATE format. 
    Restate and Answer (We would/would not recommend this book). 
    Tell why. 
    Explain why.
Enjoy this time reading together.  We are so excited to continue with this great program!