Extension Activities

Extension Activities

Looking for a way to go above and beyond the monthly assignment, well here is the place to look.  While these are not required, there are some great activities to take you beyond the book.  If you decide to complete any of the extension activities, please keep them to share with the others.  This can either be by posting to the blog or sharing at the closing meeting.

1 - Diorama - Create your favorite scene using a shoe box and any other materials you need.  It can be action figures, LEGOS, or hand made.  Be sure to include a description of the scene and why it is your favorite
2 - New Cover - Design a new cover for the book.  It is totally up to you!  Make sure it has the title and author in it.  Everything else is your choice.

1 - Summary Song or Rap - Summarizing is an essential tool to good comprehension.  Here's a great way to put a fun twist on it.  After reading the book, try writing a song or rap telling a summary of the book.  Remember a summary is not a detailed, scene by scene, account of the book.  Instead just think of the main idea of the book.  Include the characters and what the general idea of the book is.
2 - ACROSTIC Poems - Select two characters from the book.  Using their first name, create an acrostic poem.  Use the first letters of the character's name to come up with descriptive words. 
P  - Polite
A - Athletic
U - Ugly skateboard
L - Learned a valuable lesson

1 - iMovie - use iMovie, or some other movie program, to film your version of a scene from the book.  You can be the actors, or use figures and puppets.  It should only be a few minutes long.  Feel free to recruit extras if you need more actors!  If you can, please share the video by uploading to YouTube or some other means.
2 - Theme Slideshow - Together pick a theme (life message or lesson) that you can take away from the book.  Then create a powerpoint, or other program's, slide with the theme you selected and any visuals that go along with it. 


  1. The mysterious ghost train (and train signal) appeared out of nowhere, and raced straight through the outfield during the game.
    It was our favorite scene because of how strange and weird it was; especially since only the Travelin' Nine team could see it.

  2. We build a diorama out of Lego of the scene, but we couldn't attach a picture to our post.
