Thursday, March 7, 2013

MARCH G.R.T. Assignment - FANTASY

This month your task is to read a book in the Fantasy Genre.  Books in this genre have something different going on that separates them from real-life fiction.  It could be magic, monsters, creatures, or even super powers.  Whatever it is, there is something strange going on in the book.
The FOCUS for this month will be DRAWING CONCLUSIONS aka Inferring.  As readers, we take clues the author gives us to create our own ideas about the story.     
Sometimes it's very obvious.  For example, "Mark slammed his book on the table and stormed out of the room. "  You can use the TEXT CLUES - slammed his book and stormed out to INFER that Mark is angry.  Other times it can be more complicated.  One way to draw these conclusions is to create a T-Chart as seen below.

Mark slammed his books
Mark stormed out of the room                        Maybe he is angry

     Your task is to draw conclusions using the text as clues and evidence.  You can do it during discussions or on paper.
           After finishing the book, please leave a comment including the following things:  
  • 3-5 sentence summary (do not give away the ending)
  • Write two conclusions you drew from the text.  Please include the TEXT and then your INFERENCE.
  • Finally whether you would recommend the book and why/why not.
    For this please use the RATE format. 
    Restate and Answer (We would/would not recommend this book). 
    Tell why. 
    Explain why.
Enjoy this time reading together.  We are so excited to continue with this great program!