Friday, November 16, 2012

G.R.T. December Assignment

This month your task is to read a book with a SPORTS theme.  Be it baseball, football, martial arts, or soccer, you get to pick the novel.  While you read it, be sure to talk to each other about the events, characters, and decisions that are made.  
The FOCUS for this month with be MAKING PREDICTIONS.  All readers make predictions, or guesses as to what will happen.  The important thing is to have text reasons for your prediction and to always check on them.  One idea is to use the attached chart to make predictions.  This way you can be sure to keep track of them.
           After finishing the book, please leave a comment including the following things:  
  • 3-5 sentence summary (do not give away the ending)
  • two of your predictions.  Include what you thought, why you thought it, and if you were correct
  • finally whether you would recommend the book and why/why not.
    For this please use the RATE format. 
    Restate and Answer (We would/would not recommend this book). 
    Tell why. 
    Explain why.
Enjoy this time reading together.  We are so excited for this first month!


  1. The book we read (Pavan and myself) is titled "It's Hard to Dribble with Your Feet". Main Characters in this book are Carmen (Basketball Player) and Lynsey (Soccer Player). Lynsey offers Carmen to play in Soccer and participate in the tournaments.

    Will Carmen be successful in Soccer??

    We (Pavan and myself) predicted that Carmen will be successful and will be able to participate as a key player in the team that participated in the tournaments.

    We recommend this book as this book gives motivation to go beyond our comfort zone and guidance on how practicing helps to achieve results. We recommend as this book teach on how to do anything better and be successful by practicing more and more.

  2. Jack and Brian Manzino - 12/23/12

    The book we read was; “Barnstormers - Game 1” by Loren Long and Phil Bildner. The book was about three kids (Griffith, Ruby, and Graham), a mystery, and a magic baseball. The three children, with their mother (who secretly played catcher) traveled with a barnstorming baseball team, the Travelin’ Nine, in the mid-west in 1899, after the death of their father. Strange things started happening during the game, opening the door to a mystery.

    Our first prediction was that the Travelin’ Nine would beat the Cincinnati Swine. We were wrong.

    Our second prediction was about Griffith’s secret and about the magic baseball. We are not sure what the answer is because we need to read Game 2.

    We would recommend this book because if you are a baseball or mystery fan you would like it. The more you read it, the more you want to continue reading to find out why strange things keep happening on the field.

  3. we apologize for the late ,but we been alittle busy doing many things like any body else but so on the book we read was called "CELEBRATE THE SPIRIT" WROTED BY Cleve Dheensaw & Deanna Binder.

    The book is all about the biginnings of the olympic Games that some people knows that they start in Athens, Greece on 1896. but probably non-many people know that the man who became a leader of the new Olympic Games Organization was "Baron Piere de Coubertin" from france he called his committee the International Olympic Committee. IOC is still in charge today since 1894.

    well this book describe about how the olympic games have a huge significade to all athletics in all the world ,first that you became the number 1 in all the world as a champion after compite with the best athletics in the category you are participating.

    as we know the olympic games are classify by different sports some of the most popular you will find in the book.

    we recomend this book to refresh you knowlege or inform your self how olympic games were in the past and the important courage of participate on it.
